Address Points Florida


The Address Points Florida data represents locations of structures with addresses.

The geographic location of address points are created using one of two methods. Method one is where a point is manually placed on top of a structure. This is also called a "rooftop" address point. Method two is where the address point is automatically generated based on a parcel polygon centroid.

Address points provided by county governments are usually "rooftop" address points. MapWise generated parcel centroid address points for all counties where "rooftop" address points were not available.

Address points derived from parcel centroids may not accurately or completely represent addresses in the real world. For example, a retail plaza represented by one parcel polygon may contain 20 businesses in the plaza, each with its own unique street address. A parcel centroid is only going to represent one of those addresses. In the case of larger rural parcels, the parcel centroid may be located several hundred feet or more from the actual structure location.


Accurately map locations of structures. Improve accuracy of geocoding street addresses, i.e. matching a street address to a geographic coordinate.

Time Period of Content


Publish Date



County Property Appraisers, County Governments


MapWise Inc.

Theme Keywords

address, geocode

Place Keywords


Source Scale

Horizontal Accuracy

Process Steps


Format Details


Field Names

Field Description Type
address_id text
fullname text
aliasname text
buildingname text
landmarkname text
s_number text
s_pdir text
s_name text
s_type text
s_sdir text
s_unit text
s_address text
s_city text
s_city_orig text
s_state text
s_zipcode text
s_zipcode4 text
pin text
altkey text
type_orig text
type2_orig text
date_created text
date_edited text
addr_status text
luse text
lusedor text
d_county text
