Florida Map Layer Directory
This directory provides information about the inventory of map layers available in MapWise.
Maps consist of one or more "map layers" that are combined to make a complete map.
The MapWise GIS mapping system provides the ability to combine map layers in different ways to meet different needs.
You can also upload your own shapefiles and KML files to MapWise.
Aerial Imagery
Aerial Photos, Satellite Imagery,...
Contours, Hillshaded Elevation,...
Flood Zones
Flood Zones,...
Lakes, Rivers, Streams,...
Land Cover
Urban Areas, Agriculture, Wetlands,...
Land Use and Zoning
Existing Land Use, Future Land Use, Zoning,...
Parks and Conservation
Parks, Conservation lands, ,...
Parcel Boundaries, Tax Assessor Info,...
Points of Interest
Schools, Golf Courses, Hospitals,...
Political and Administrative
Cities, Counties, Zip Codes,...
Scanned Maps
USGS Topo Maps, NOAA Nautical Charts,...
Soil Boundaries, Hydric Soils, Water Table Depth,...
Streets and Highways,...
Florida County Map
Map of Florida Counties, City Names within Counties,...