The Aerial Photo 1999 Color Infrared 1-meter imagery originated from aerial photos captured from planes using large format film-based cameras. The photos were printed at high resolution, scanned and geo-referenced. The geo-referencing process included compensation for sensor orientation and ground elevation. The resulting images are Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads (DOQQs).
According the USGS:
Color infrared (CIR), or false color, film is sensitive to green and red in the visible portion of spectrum of light and extends into the near-infrared region of the spectrum. Vegetation is distinctly red to magenta in CIR images because vegetation is highly reflective in the near-infrared portion of the spectrum.
USGS Color-Infrared fact sheet
The color-infrared DOQs were produced to create spatially accurate aerial photo images that could be used for mapping a variety of features such as land cover, hydrography, agricultural features and urban features.
List of fly dates (1995 and 1999 flyovers) by USGS 7.5 minute quarter quad name.
Florida's Water Management Districts, Florida department of Environmental Protection, and USGS.
aerial photo, color infrared, 1999, digital orthophoto quad
The data is considered 1:12,000 scale data. The source aerial photography was 1:40,000 film.
Meets National Map Accuracy Standards at a scale of 1:12,000, or +/- 23 feet.
3 bands 8-bit
UTM Zone 17 NAD83, UTM Zone 16 NAD83
Labins distributes the 1999 DOQs in several formats and projections.