The Parcels Aggregate data set consists of real property parcel polygons that have been aggregated by either owner name or last sale transaction. There are three layers that comprise this data set.
Parcel Owners Grouped Disaggregate represents parcels greater than 9 acres that are grouped together by owner name. Only contiguous parcels form a group. For example, XYZ Paper Company owns 100 parcels in Taylor County and there are 5 groups of parcels that share borders.
Parcel Owners Grouped represents parcels greater than 9 acres that are grouped together by owner name. All parcels owned by the same owner form one group within a county. For example, XYZ Paper Company owns 100 parcels in Taylor County and there are 5 groups of parcels that share borders, but all 5 groups are treated as one group across the county.
Parcel Sales Grouped represents parcels greater than 9 acres that are grouped together by sale transaction, e.g. book/page or document number.
Refer to the parcels metadata for information about parcel data.
The purpose of the grouped parcels layers is to quickly visualize large parcel owners and sale transactions where there may be multiple parcels involved but are treated as one.
The purpose of parcel maps and data is tax assessment of real property. Each county in Florida elects a Property Appraiser to oversee the assessment of all real property parcels within the county.
Most data current within one month. A few appraisers lag behind and can be months old.
County Property Appraisers, MapWise Inc.
MapWise Inc.
parcels, real property, land use, assessed value, property sales
Florida counties: Alachua, Baker, Bay, Bradford, Brevard, Broward, Calhoun, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Collier, Columbia, DeSoto, Dixie, Duval, Escambia, Flagler, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Glades, Gulf, Hamilton, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Indian River, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lake, Lee, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Manatee, Marion, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Holmes, Madison, Nassau, Okaloosa, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Santa Rosa, Sarasota, Seminole, St Johns, St Lucie, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Wakulla, Walton, Washington, Volusia
Varies: 1:1,200 to 1:3,600
Horizontal accuracy varies between counties and between areas within a county. In general, in urban areas, parcel boundary accuracy is approximately +/- 5 feet. In rural areas, or older linework without modern spatial adjustment, accuracy can be +/- 100 feet or more.
MapWise collects GIS parcel data and tax roll data from all 67 Property Appraisers in Florida, and standardizes the data to a common format. A custom algorithm is used to group parcels together.
State-wide seamless data - Florida Albers HARN
Individual counties - native source data projection.
Sales Grouped
PARCELS_NUM | Number of parcels |
PIN_ARR | Array of Parcel IDs |
ACRES_GIS | Acres calculated from GIS |
O_NAME1 | Owner Name 1 |
O_NAME2 | Owner Name 2 |
O_ADDRESS1 | Owner Mailing Address 1 |
O_ADDRESS2 | Owner Mailing Address 2 |
O_CITY | Owner Mailing City |
O_COUNTRY | Owner Mailing Country |
O_STATE | Owner Mailing State |
O_ZIPCODE | Owner Mailing Zipcode |
S_ADDRESS | Site Address - Address Number + PreDir + Name + SufType + SufDir + Unit |
S_CITY | Site Address City |
S_ZIPCODE | Site Address Zipcode |
SALE1_AMT | Most Recent Sale Amount |
SALE1_YEAR | Most Recent Sale Year |
SALE1_DATE | Most Recent Sale Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
SALE1_VAC | Most Recent Sale Vacant or Improved |
SALE1_TYP | Most Recent Sale Deed Type |
SALE1_QUAL | Most Recent Sale Qualification Code |
SALE1_BK | Most Recent Sale Book |
SALE1_PG | Most Recent Sale Page |
SALE1_DOCNUM | Most Recent Sale Document Number |
SALE1_GRANTOR | Most Recent Sale Grantor |
SALE1_GRANTEE | Most Recent Sale Grantee |
MRKT_BLD_SUM | Market Building Value Sum |
MRKT_IMPR_SUM | Market Misc Improved Value Sum |
MRKT_LND_SUM | Market Land Value Sum |
MRKT_AG_SUM | Market Agricultural Value Sum |
MRKT_TOT_SUM | Market Total (Just) Value Sum |
MRKT_BLD_ARR | Market Building Value Array |
MRKT_IMPR_ARR | Market Misc Improved Value Array |
MRKT_LND_ARR | Market Land Value Array |
MRKT_AG_ARR | Market Agricultural Value Array |
MRKT_TOT_ARR | Market Total (Just) Value Array |
SQFT_HTD_SUM | Sum of Heated Square Feet |
SQFT_TOT_SUM | Sum of Total Square Feet |
LUSE_ARR | Land Use Code from Property Appraiser Array |
LUSE_D_ARR | Land Use Code Description from Property Appraiser Array |
LUSEDOR_ARR | 2-Digit FDOR Land Use Code Array |
LUSEDOR_D_ARR | 2-Digit FDOR Land Use Code Description Array |
ZONING_ARR | Zoning Code Array |
D_DATE | Date of Data |
D_COUNTY | County |
Owners Grouped
PARCELS_NUM | Number of parcels |
PIN_ARR | Array of Parcel IDs |
ACRES_GIS | Acres calculated from GIS |
O_NAME1 | Owner Name 1 |
O_NAME2 | Owner Name 2 |
O_ADDRESS1 | Owner Mailing Address 1 |
O_ADDRESS2 | Owner Mailing Address 2 |
O_CITY | Owner Mailing City |
O_COUNTRY | Owner Mailing Country |
O_STATE | Owner Mailing State |
O_ZIPCODE | Owner Mailing Zipcode |
S_ADDRESS | Site Address - Address Number + PreDir + Name + SufType + SufDir + Unit |
S_CITY | Site Address City |
S_ZIPCODE | Site Address Zipcode |
MRKT_BLD_SUM | Market Building Value Sum |
MRKT_IMPR_SUM | Market Misc Improved Value Sum |
MRKT_LND_SUM | Market Land Value Sum |
MRKT_AG_SUM | Market Agricultural Value Sum |
MRKT_TOT_SUM | Market Total (Just) Value Sum |
MRKT_BLD_ARR | Market Building Value Array |
MRKT_IMPR_ARR | Market Misc Improved Value Array |
MRKT_LND_ARR | Market Land Value Array |
MRKT_AG_ARR | Market Agricultural Value Array |
MRKT_TOT_ARR | Market Total (Just) Value Array |
SQFT_HTD_SUM | Sum of Heated Square Feet |
SQFT_TOT_SUM | Sum of Total Square Feet |
LUSE_ARR | Land Use Code from Property Appraiser Array |
LUSE_D_ARR | Land Use Code Description from Property Appraiser Array |
LUSEDOR_ARR | 2-Digit FDOR Land Use Code Array |
LUSEDOR_D_ARR | 2-Digit FDOR Land Use Code Description Array |
ZONING_ARR | Zoning Code Array |
D_DATE | Date of Data |
D_COUNTY | County |