The Streets OpenStreetMap (OSM) data set represents street centerlines acquired from OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap is often referred to as Wikipedia for maps, because it is a crowd-sourced effort to map streets and other features worldwide.
In the USA, street centerlines from the US Census Bureau TIGER data were imported into OSM in 2007 using a 2005 version of TIGER. Unfortunately, this was before the massive updates done to TIGER data that ended in 2008. However, an equally massive amount of editing of the old TIGER data has been done in OSM since then and new streets added as well. As of October 2016, especially in urban and suburban areas, OpenStreetMap is one of the most accurate street databases available.
Street centerlines are widely used as a reference layer. OpenStreetMap was started in August 2006 to create a global database of streets and other basemap data that is free to use. A founding principle of OSM is anyone in the world can also edit the data by just creating an account on, make some edits and the data changes go staright into the master global database. A large technological infrastructure has also been developed over time to support the massive scale of the effort.
MapWise Inc.
streets, centerlines, roads, highways, openstreetmap
Varies: 1:2,400 to 1:100,000
World Mercator
Field | Description | Type |
osm_id | bigint | |
access | text | |
"addr:flats" | text | |
"addr:housenumber" | text | |
"addr:interpolation" | text | |
admin_level | text | |
aerialway | text | |
aeroway | text | |
amenity | text | |
area | text | |
barrier | text | |
bicycle | text | |
bridge | text | |
boundary | text | |
building | text | |
construction | text | |
cutting | text | |
disused | text | |
embankment | text | |
foot | text | |
highway | Type of street, e.g. residential, tertiary, secondary, primary, motorway, etc. | text |
historic | text | |
horse | text | |
junction | text | |
landuse | text | |
lanes | text | |
layer | text | |
learning | text | |
leisure | text | |
lock | text | |
man_made | text | |
military | text | |
motorcar | text | |
name | text | |
"natural" | text | |
oneway | text | |
operator | text | |
power | text | |
power_source | text | |
place | text | |
railway | text | |
ref | text | |
religion | text | |
residence | text | |
route | text | |
service | text | |
shop | text | |
sport | text | |
"tiger:cfcc" | text | |
toll | text | |
tourism | text | |
tracktype | text | |
tunnel | text | |
waterway | text | |
width | text | |
wood | text | |
z_order | integer | |
way_area | real | |
osm_user | text | |
osm_uid | text | |
osm_version | text | |
osm_timestamp | text |