The Streets TIGER 2015 data set represents street centerlines acquired from the US Census Bureau. The TIGER acronym stands for Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing.
Street centerlines are widely used as a reference layer. The Census Bureau also uses the streets layer for delineating census blocks, and geocoding.
US Census Bureau
US Census Bureau
street, highway
Varies: 1:12,000 to 1:100,000
Varies: The Census Bureau does accuracy tests using high-precision GPS at street intersections and documents errors per county. Not all streets have been re-aligned. Estimated accuracy range for re-aligned streets is +/- 23 to +/- 40 feet. Streets that have not been re-aligned can be over 300 feet off. Rural areas are more likely to be less accurate than urban areas.
WGS 84
LINEARID text -- linear feature identifier - key to related table with more info FULLNAME text -- road name RTTYP text -- Route Type Code MTFCC text -- MAF / TIGER Feature Class Code, e.g. S1200 = Route type codes - C County I Interstate M Common Name O Other S State recognized U U.S. MTFCC definitions for all tiger feature types - Mapping of MTFCC to OSM tags - S1100 Primary Road S1200 Secondary Road S1400 Local Neighborhood Road, Rural Road, City Street S1500 Vehicular Trail (4WD) S1630 Ramp S1640 Service Drive usually along a limited access highway S1710 Walkway/Pedestrian Trail S1730 Alley S1740 Private Road for service vehicles (logging, oil fields, ranches, etc.) S1750 Internal U.S. Census Bureau use S1780 Parking Lot Road S1820 Bike Path or Trail
The Census Bureau dramatically improved the spatial and attribute quality of the streets data and other databases during the period from 2002 to 2008. Several private contractors were hired to do bulk editing using recent aerials and recent county government files. Census workers walked virtually every street in the US to accurately map addresses and this information was also incorporated into the streets layer. Not all problems were fixed during this time frame, and work is still on-going on a smaller scale. The Census Bureau currently releases annual data updates that includes all improvements made in the previous year.
More information about TIGER data on the Census Bureau website.