“ I use this tool every day in my line of work. I can get accurate flood reports much quicker and easier than using other sites. ”
Jay Markas
Statewide Commercial Insurance
Get accurate and up to date flood zone information anywhere in Florida. Find flood zone information by street address using our web-based Flood Zone Tool.
If you are not in a flood zone, you can also view flood zone maps to determine if you are near one.
Professionals in insurance, surveying, real estate, appraising, and engineering industries use MapWise on a daily basis. Homeowners looking at current or future property can use these same tools.
The Flood Zone Tool is available via the web on smartphones, tablets and desktops.
The flood report includes:
The MapWise GIS Map Viewer is an interactive mapping application that provides access to high resolution aerials, property boundaries, flood zones, wetlands, and more. It is included with a subscription to the Flood Zone Tool. More information is available on the GIS Map Viewer overview page.
Starting around 2000, FEMA has been updating flood zone maps around the country to a new version called Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM). In Florida, all counties have been updated.
Below is more information about flood zone maps.
Zone | Description |
V | 100-year floodplain with wave action, no BFEs determined. |
VE | 100-year floodplain with wave action, with BFEs determined. |
A | 100-year floodplain, no BFEs determined. |
AE and A1-30 | 100-year floodplain, with BFEs determined. |
AH | 100-year floodplain, with ponding, with BFEs determined. |
AO | 100-year floodplain, with sheet flow, with BFEs determined. |
AR | 100-year floodplain, previously protected by flood control structures and being restored. |
A99 | 100-year floodplain, that will be protected by a flood control project under construction. |
IN | 100-year floodplain, no BFEs determined. |
B, X500 | 500-year floodplain (0.2% annual chance of flooding) |
C, X | Outside 100-year and 500-year floodplain. |
D, UNDES | Possible but undetermined flood hazards. |
ANI | Area Not Included in any flood study. |
Table notes:
All plans include: